The pelvis is the center of the body. It is the foundation of our posture and movement patterns. Restoration of the pelvis and restoration of the lumbar spine (lower back), is simultaneous in our system. This step in the process establishes a strong relationship between the rib cage and pelvis by strengthening the glutes and core, and releasing the posterior leg (hamstrings).
Understanding the biomechanics of the thorax is fundamental for posture, performance, and rehab. Especially when you consider how highly adaptable the rib cage is. Many people express a posture where the back ribs are rigid and the front ribs are big and mobile. This adaptation is negatively impacting the biomechanics of the lower back, shoulders, and neck. It is also detrimental to our overall health. Our system revitalizes the thorax by stabilizing the front ribs and mobilizing the back ribs via core training and thoracic spine mobility exercises.

12-Stage, Week-By-Week Programming
Step By Step Video Instructions
In-Home (No Tools Required)
App: IOS/Android, Or Web-Based
Included Programming:
Systematic Postural Restoration
Core Rehabilitation
Glute Complex
Adductors (Groin)
Lateral Hip
Deep Intrinsic Core
Spine Mobility
Shoulder Musculature
Ankle Mobility
Soft Tissue Release Library (Rehab)
Exercise Library (100+ Exercises)