Core Protection: A Delicate Balancing Act

Jan 08, 2024

The core is meant to be a 24/7 concept that is meant to always be active, maintaining balance in the body. Your core is a group of muscles designed to aid in respiration (breathing), but also one major factor: stiffening the spine.

Specifically, the lumbar spine.


Right where the blue arrow is.

That area of the spine is where the stiffening is meant to occur. To get into more of the specific science around the Deep Intrinsic Core, check out this blog post here.

This post will be more so on the idea of balance. The two counter points will be the front vs. the back.

A delicate balance between the Anterior (front) core and the Back Line.

Whatever is strongest and most used is what you will rely on for stability. Meaning, if you use your back line often for stability, your brain will default to that and vice-versa for the front.

This default is a learned behavior. Something that was shown to your brain many many times before it became the default zone of stability. For many of us the muscles in the back line became strong enough to where they were the automatic option. Take example sitting: 

Stability is involved in both of these images. It's impossible for it not to be. At all points in the day there are muscles lengthening, shortening, and "holding" (stabilizing) throughout the day.

The example above is no different. On the left photo the back line is holding that person from falling backwards. Those muscles are getting stronger holding them there. Literally. 

On the right photo, the front line is holding that person from falling and keeping them upright. Notice how the person on the right is sitting directly on their sit bones (where the arrow is)

as well. So not only are the person on the right's core getting stronger, their glutes are also getting stronger. 

The glutes and core work together to create balanced stability through the body. But that's a topic for another day.

Returning to just the front vs. back equation, positioning determines what muscles are going to be trained just as with sitting. 

This image would represent a position of balance, where there’s equal distribution between all of the corners of the “core” position where the pressure is contained. That would mean the anterior core and back line muscles are working together in harmony. 

This image would represent a position of imbalance between the front and back meaning the anterior core is not pulling its fair share so the back of the body (right where that blue arrow is) has to pick up the slack.

It's really that simple. 

Core training is trying put your body in the position in the first photo above and learn to move your arms and legs without disturbing that position.

Right where that blue arrow is is directly where those erectors are (lumbar erectors specifically) and on the other side are the anterior core muscles.

Flobility shows you how to create balance between these two to gain strength in your core in a way that creates stability in other positions. When your core learns to remain a unit in the supine posture to begin with over and over and over, it starts to get better at staying as a unit in other positions/ postures. 

Practice this for some time and the core eventually learns how to never separate and remain in balance, no matter what position it’s in. 

That’s how you get someone like Jordan: 

He’s done Flobility for a long, long time and built strength over this time period working on the same balance talked about above.

Front vs. Back.

For years.

So it is possible to actually create a 24/7 balanced core management system! 

It just takes time.

Day by day. 

But in just one session, you can feel the power of Flobility. You can feel the stability, the strength and the balance from a solid core session. You’ll learn to love that feeling.

The feeling of lightness, agility, connection and grace in your movement with the intentional loading of the anterior core and the softening of the back line.

It’s truly remarkable.